Member outings
The Doonans
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- jim
Up behind Knockderry castle are what is known as the big Doonan and the small Doonan. 2 Hillocks left over from the ice age, that appear to have interesting features. we are going to give these features a bit of a survey now we have permission to do so
Knockderry Castle (2)
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- Corvus
With the renovations at Knockderry Castle, North Clyde Archaeological Society had been asked to come and do a survey with a view to recording its history. we continue theis work by inviting SARG - Scottish artifact recovery group. The Society would like to thank Stephen, Peter, Stewart, John, Neil, Bryant and Deborah members of SARG for joining us today and apologise for the midges.
Upper Rhu Forestry part 4
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- Corvus
Sunday 5th May 2024, and another wander among the tree planting pits above Rhu
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